
What is a Crosswalk?

As a group, we walk reverently from Wilkinson Memorial UMC to Cornwells UMC.  During this journey, we take turns “carrying/bearing” a wooden cross.  We do this for 5-7 minutes at a time, then pause to have others pick up the load and continue for the same length of time.  This pattern repeats until all who desire to carry a cross have had opportunity to do so.  The clear purpose is to identify – in our own limited way –  with the suffering He endured for us; and to give public testimony (in silence) of our loving remembrance of Him.  This tradition was begun at least 40 years ago.  The community has come to anticipate our procession, and some will stop what they’re doing, come out of their places of business, or onto their front porches, to honor the Crosses as they pass by.  


  •  If I walk in this procession am I required to carry a cross?    Certainly not.  Some, especially those for whom it would be physically/medically unwise, participate without shouldering a cross.  But they remain “one” with the entire procession.  Being part of this, in any way, can be very meaningful.
  • How long does the walk require?  We walk at a comfortable pace and cover the 2 ½ miles in one hour and 15 minutes.
  • Clothing? Dress comfortably for the weather, including appropriate footwear.  There will be several vehicles accompanying us, providing water and “a ride” if you need a break.  We will make this journey rain or shine, unless there are electrical storms or very harsh conditions.
  • How do I ‘carry’ a cross?  There are 3 crosses we will share.  One is fairly large, the other 2 are smaller.  Generally, smaller ones are used by children or people of smaller stature; the larger one is not excessively heavy, but does require more effort.  Most people prefer to place the cross on one shoulder, then drag the longer vertical piece on the ground behind them as they walk.  But there is no “set way” of doing this.  The word “carry” may give the mistaken impression that we’re lifting the crosses “completely off the ground” while we walk.  This is not the case.
  • Is there conversation while we walk?  Since our goal is a climate of reverence, you are asked to minimize conversation or, when necessary, speak quietly.  We may occasionally sing hymns or worship songs as we walk.  Asking the Lord to help you identify with His Sacrifice or to “show you something new”  will help maintain your spiritual focus. 
  • Do I have to be a member at Wilkinson or Cornwells to participate?  Absolutely not.  There is no membership requirement.  Over the years we estimate that 10 or more different churches have been represented at this event.


  1.  Meet at Wilkinson Memorial UMC at 1:15 pm. [1601 State Road, Croydon, Pa. 19021}.  We will have a brief time of explanation about logistics, followed by an opening prayer.
  2. Begin the Crosswalk at 1:30pm
  3.  Arrive at Cornwells UMC at 2:45pm [2284 Bristol Pike, Bensalem, Pa. 19020]
  4. Water and a snack will be provided, but there will be no fellowship meal this year
  5.  Worship service in CUMC sanctuary at 3:00pm